
Huawei devices disappear from Microsoft Store and Best Buy, but remain on Amazon, Newegg - lawhornnufforabing

Microsoft appears to have pulled Huawei's Matebook X Pro from its online shelves, and Unexcelled Buy, overly, has followed suit. Huawei phones and devices are still available from Amazon and Newegg as of this posting, yet.

Neither the Huawei Matebook X Pro nor the Huawei Matebook 13 come out on Microsoft's Store website, though at least the Matebook X Pro appeared previously, as the Verge noted. The only reference to Huawei on the site is via third-company apps that reference Huawei services, none of which look to be authored by Huawei.

microsoft huawei store Mark Hachman / IDG

Searching for "Huawei" at the Microsoft Shop yields this result.

Fueled by a Trump administration administrator order, Huawei, a leading ball-shaped smartphone maker, faces organism interrupt by Android OS supplier Google and other component vendors, including Intel, Microsoft and Qualcomm. So far, that's only impacted Huawei's supply string. Microsoft, as a supplier to Huawei of Windows updates and other surety features, has yet to gloss publicly on whether it's enforcing the ban. (Though Huawei is still illegal from buying U.S. technology, IT has a 90-day reprieve from the DoC to service existing users.)

Microsoft's retail division, all the same, appears to be on control board. Major electronics retailer Best Steal seems to be as well, as the retailer is simply selling a pair of "undefended box" Huawei smartwatches. Intelligent for a Huawei Matebook, e.g., brings up a name of competitive products, beginning with Apple.

huawei best buy Mark Hachman / IDG

Best Buy's supply of Huawei devices.

Amazon, however, still appears to be merchandising both Huawei phones and PCs, including the Honor 8X, Teammate SE, and Matebook X Pro and Matebook 13.

amazon huawei edited Distinguish Hachman / IDG

Amazon is still selling many Huawei devices, some phones and notebook PCs.

Umteen of these are listed every bit coming from Huawei itself, although third-party resellers are free to resell goods and services through with Amazon's marketplace, using either their own delivery systems or Amazon's. An Amazon democratic did not straightaway respond to a request for notice.

Retail merchant Newegg was oblation several Huawei Matebook PCs and tablets at military press time, American Samoa well as Huawei-proprietary phones.

newegg huwei phones Mark Hachman / IDG

Newegg still has a wholesome stock of Huawei devices.

Information technology's unclear whether these otherwise retailers will follow Microsoft's head, operating theatre wait until the Commerce Department's 90-day reprieve expires. It's in all probability safe to say, even so, that if you want to buy a Huawei device, you'd better represent sooner than later.


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